This is a partial list of some of our latest projects:
Piles foundation, Unaza Bridge, Tirana, Police Headquarters
Piles foundation, Kamza Bridge, Tirana
Piles foundation, Rinas Bridge, Tirana
Piles foundations for multiple bridges, A1 Motorway, Rrëshen-Kalimash. Rrëshen-Kalimash MOTORWAY PROJECT, BECHTEL-ENKA JOINT VENTURE. ø 1200mm, max depth 28m
Piles foundation, Brret Kruja Bridge, Bami shpk
Piles foundation, Uraka Bridge, Shoshajve Bridge Rrëshen. Alba Konstruksion. ø 1200mm, max depth 20m
Piles foundation, Burrel Bridge. Burrel, Kirchberger. ø 1000mm, max depth 17m
Terrain Reinforcements
Ndërtim Pilotash, Ura Unaza, Tiranë, Drejtoria Policisë
Ndërtim Pilotash, Ura Kamëz, Tiranë
Ndërtim Pilotash, Ura Rinas, Tiranë
Ndërtim i Urave, Rrëshen-Kalimash, Rruga e Kombit. Pilota themele urash ø 1200mm Rrëshen-Kalimash MOTORËAY PROJECT, BECHTEL-ENKA JOINT VENTURË, me thellësi deri 28m
Ndërtim i Urës Brret Kruje,Bami shpk
Ndërtim Urës ne Autostraden Durrës –Kukës-Morinë.
Ndërtimi Urës Urakë, Ura e Shoshajve Rrëshen. Pilota themele urash ø 1200mm Urakë, Ura e Shoshajve Rrëshen, Alba Konstruksion, me thellësi deri 20m
Ndërtimi Urës Burrel. Pilota themele urash ø 1000mm, Burrel, Kirchberger, me thellësi deri 17m
Secant Pile Walls
Underground parking lot, 6 floors, Tiranë. ‘Forever Green Tower’ project, ALGI shpk. Secant pile wall ø800/ø600mm, depth 32m/28m
Underground parking lot, 4 floors, Tiranë. Projekti ‘Ambasador 3’, MANE TCI shpk. Secant pile wall ø800/ø600mm, depth20m/18m
Underground parking lot, 2 floors, Durrës. V.A.F.A shpk. Secant pile wall ø600mm, depth 12m
Underground parking lot, 2 floors, Durrës. V.A.F.A shpk. Secant pile wall ø600mm, depth 12m
Underground parking lot, 2 floors, Don Bosko, Tiranë. ‘VOKSHI’ project, GENER 2 shpk. Secant pile wall ø700/ø600mm, depth12m/8m
Underground parking lot, 2 floors, Don Bosko, Tiranë. Projekti ‘SHEKULLI’, GENER 2 shpk. Secant pile wall ø700/ø600mm, depth12m/8m
Underground parking lot, 3 floors, Center, Tiranë. Nova Construction shpk. Secant pile wall ø800/ø600mm, depth17m/15m
Underground parking lot, 2 floors, Laprakë, Tiranë. San Tara shpk. Secant pile wall ø700mm, depth12m/10m
Underground parking lot, 3 floors, Lake, Tiranë. Ndërpro shpk
Underground parking lot, 3 floors, Lake, Tiranë. GENER 2 shpk. Secant pile wall ø700mm, depth12m
Underground parking lot, 3 floors, NAMAZGJASE MOSQUE, Tiranë. EDIL AL-IT shpk. Secant pile wall ø800/ø600mm, depth12m/10,5m. Secant pile wall ø800/ø600mm, depth up to15m. Anchors ø140mm
Underground parking lot, 2 floors, Ali Demi, Tiranë. Vind shpk. Secant pile wall ø700/ø700mm, depth11m/9m
Underpass, Veliera, Durrës. EVEREST shpk. Secant pile wall ø700/ø700mm, depth12m
Secant pile wall, Moglicë, Gramsh. DEVOLL HYDROPOWER PROJECT HPP, LIMAK –AGE JV, STATKRAFT ALBANIA. Secant pile wall ø800/ø880mm, depth37M
Underground parking lot, 2 floors, Tiranë. “SHESHI ITALIA” project, Albstar shpk. Secant pile wall ø800/ø880mm, depth 15m
Anchors - Injection & Testing
Underground parking lot, 4 floors, Tiranë. “AMBASADOR 3” project, MANE TCI shpk. 3 and 4 levels of Anchors with 4/5 cables per anchor and depth 20÷25m
Tirana Expressway. Fusha shpk. Anchors with 5 cables each and depth of 25m
Reinforcement of the Pier/Terminal, Port of Shëngjin. GENER 2 shpk. Anchors with 7 cables each and dhe thellësi 32 m
Underground parking lot, 3 floors, Center city, Tiranë. Nova Construction shpk. Anchors with 3 cables each and depth of 25m
Underground parking lot 2 floors, Laprakë, Tiranë. San Tara shpk. Anchors with 3 cables each and depth of 25m
Underground parking lot, 3 floors, Artificial Lake, Tiranë. Nderpro shpk. Anchors with 3 cables each and depth of 25m
Underground parking lot, 2 floors, Krujë. Bami shpk. Anchors with 4 cables each and depth of 32m
Underground parking lot, 2 floors, Tiranë. "SHESHI ITALIA" project. Albstar shpk. Anchors with 4 cables each and depth of 26m
Port Piers/Terminals
Headquarters, Port of Durrës
New pier/terminal, Port of Shëngjin. GENER 2 shpk
Port of Porto Romano, MBM Port
Micro piles in the Levan-Tepelene expressway, Garden Line shpk
Micro piles, Seman. “TAP ALBANIA” project, Albstar Shpk. D300mm, H=8m në ALV32
Civil Construction
Civil object with 2 floors above ground and 2 floors underground, Mjullë, Bathore, Tiranë